Look, Listen & Learn



As a rising tide of indigenous literary voices sweep across Aotearoa and the wider world, the literary barriers of mainstream publishing are becoming ever more apparent. Writers and editors Patricia Grace, Anahera Gildea andessa may ranapiri deliver a powerful dissection on the current state of play, discussing alternative methods of publishing in te ao Māori, and the ways writers and activists are re-indigenising the sharing of Māori stories to provide historical and cultural context to current issues. Chaired by Emma Espiner.

I te tai reo tuhi taketake e pari ana huri i Aotearoa, otirā, i te ao whānui,e mārama haere ana ngātauāraiā-tuhi o te rāngai tāauraki. Ko ngā ringatuhi, ko ngā kanohi hihira hoki,ko Patricia Grace rātou koAnahera Gildea, ko essa may ranapiri ka noho ki te āta whakatewhatewha i ngā āhuatanga o te wā. Ka wānangahia ētahi ara kē e tāngia ai he kōrero i te ao Māori, ā, ka kōrerohia hoki ngā ara e whāia ana e ngāi ringatuhi, e ngāi whakatūanō, e noho taketake anō ai te tukuhanga o ngā rākau Māori,e whai horopaki ā-hītori, ā-ahurea anō ai ētahi o ngā take o te wā. Ko Emma Espiner te kaiwhakahaere.

Oro series curated by Ruby Solly.